Dhytuhi '17

About IEEE

IEEE is the world's largest technical and proffessional organisation dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and it's members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through its more than 420,000 members over 160 countires, and its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted "voice" for engineering, computing and technology information around the globe.


IEEE SCT SB, functioning bountifully since 2009, has levitated to its eminent demeanor hitherto, built-up by college faculties, student committee and prospective IEEE members, through unceasing endeavour, enriching a student's learning experience .The student chapter organizes workshops, expert talks and competitions for both members & non- members. We strive to communicate to the faculty as well as IEEE student members about the undertaking of the IEEE sector, through our bimonthly Newsletter- 'The Retrospect'.Through the activities of IEEE Computer Society, RAS, Wie & SIGHT the student chapter focuses on honing the managerial and professional skills of its members by providing exposure ¯ insight on upcoming technical advancements.

What it Dhyuthi?

IEEE SCTSB proudly presents Dhyuthi - an all in one extravanganza to celebrate technology and innovation. The 3-day IEEE flagship event of our students branch which is open to students from all colleges will cover sessions in technical and managerial relams. IEEE SCTSB is one among the leading student branches in the Kerala Section. Backed by the successful event experiences in conducting and organizing various programs, we belive our team could make Dhyuthi extraordinary with your kind contribution and support.


Contact US


SCT College Of Engineering


Akshay S:+91 94004 65517
Priyanka Chandran:+91 82899 41536
Anas EA:+91 94954 61752

